The main article links of Passive Income Investing (PII) are:
Long story short: it'd provide me the bottomline freedom and safety net for maximum mobility and financial security.
Passive Income Investing in my mind is all about this:
The gradual accumulation and building of stable investments that provides stable passive income over time.
I've been running businesses since 2008, and after learning the “hard knocks” of life and entrepreneurship, my mind started opening to both Passive Income Internet Businesses (PIIB) and Passive Income Investing (PII) – this article is all about Passive Income Investing (PII).
I started to develop a very strong desire to learn more on how to make my money work harder for me by investing, which will mitigate my risks and reliance which was currently purely on active earning entrepreneurship – so if anything happened to me that rendered me unable to work, my entrepreneurship revenues and profits would plummet immediately – this is very high risk to me.
So I started researching about investing, and thought about how I can mitigate my risks (which was where PIIB and PII developed) – it just made so much sense to decrease concentration risk from single revenue source (no matter how large – it's still A SINGLE revenue source) – I aimed to increase my recurring passive income streams.
It also made more and more sense to build multiple streams of passive income that will be more and more useful as I grow older or want to decrease my reliance on active streams of income – it just gives me more options and flexibility in life. Now here's the deal – with more than enough recurring passive streams of income, I can be ANYWHERE I want to be.
As long as I don't burn money like it doesn't matter.
That memory and feeling kept drumming into my head that all paper assets such as stocks and derivatives and the like are evil, and should be kept far, far away as possible. To make matters worse, I am very conservative and paranoid when it comes to money – I take lots of calculated risks in entrepreneurship, but when it comes to money – I prefer zero or close-to-zero risks.
Yet, I know that the whole continuum of the Passive Income Lifestyle would not be complete if I do not embark on the path of understanding investing. So, I got honest with myself and identified my investing approach:
Because of that, I take a very safe and slow, long-term approach (15 years and more) which are heavily calculated low risk investment vehicles that must first and foremost almost always protects the principle amount as much as possible, and as importantly, pays me dividend on a clockwork basis, regardless of how the market condition is doing (yes, I like to sleep well rather than fret over market changes)
The more I thought about this, the more the idea started to form in my head that I can also help my family, friends and colleagues, to advise them how to build their own Passive Income Investing Portfolio.
I have been testing Passive Income Investing since January 2015, and I will post my results in my Income Reports.
Have you ever heard about the power of compound interest? Albert Einstein said:
The 8th wonder of the world is the power of compound interest
…and I'd agree with him.
I'd like to illustrate to you the power of compound interest. Compound interest simply means that the interest that you earn each year is added to your principal, so that the balance doesn't grow at a linear rate – it grows at an increasing/exponential rate. And to me, it's a beautiful concept that helps tip the favor of interest to both your and my interest.
An illustration: if you place $1000 in an investment that provides you 5% returns per year, AND you don't add a single cent to it AND leave the interest to roll on itself, this is what happens:
You can see how it grows – without you adding a single cent! It compounds on itself. Now, for it to truly work its magic, you need to learn how to maximize this approach, and this is what I do for my children:
Every year, every child of mine will get $3000 deposited into a super safe investment that is an estimated 5% return per year. So this means I will keep injecting $3000 per year and rolling the interest for at least 25 years and once he or she hits 25 years old, guess how much I'd have for each of my child in cash?
He or she would have $160,499.43 for their use.
For their studies. Deposit for a home. Start a business. Or they can decide to take the 5% out every year on guilt free spending. 5% of $160,499.43 is $8024.97, which is about $668.75 per month in pocket money. And this will continue for the rest of their lives as long as they don't take out the principle (in fact, due to increase in stock value and dividends, it is likely they will get more dividend over time) – I can't imagine the smile on their faces when they can still get pocket money from their old man, even when they themselves are old (I'm smiling as I'm writing this).
Or they can just leave it to keep rolling. If they rolled until they reach 50 without injecting anymore from 25 years old? $543,508.04.
Better still, if they then takeover their own portfolios and keep injecting $3000 until they hit 50 years old at 5% returns?
So at 50 years old, if they choose to withdraw the 5% dividend, they will get $34692.52, which is about $2891 per month – not bad to receive an additional $2891 per month, just from the investment that we started for them from young.
Of course, there are assumptions:
That's for my children – of course, I've the same goals for myself – in fact, my goal is for my Passive Income Investing (PII) to provide me with at least $100,000 per annum – that's my goal.
It'd be a mix of
Dividend Stock Investing, Real Estate Investing, Walton Land Banking,
but most of the Passive Income Investing (PII) that I write about will
cover 80% about Dividend Stock Investing and 20% on Cryptocurrency Investing
If you compare investing into dividend stock with real estate investment or Walton land banking, you need a larger sum of capital, which then gets locked in, you cannot reinvest into your real estate or walton, and they're not easily liquidated. They can be safer, but real estate returns may not be as high as dividend stocks.
This is the fundamentals of Passive Income Investing (PII).
Read more about dividend stock investing here.
If you're looking to open a trading account in Singapore, I recommend Lim & Tan – I've been using them since 2015, and my broker has been very helpful. There's sign up rewards too, read more in this article: Open A Trading Account With Lim & Tan And Get Rewards
Crytocurrency is here to stay. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and all the Alternative Cryptocurrencies - they have been around since 2006, and as I write, they will grow more and more.
If you had invested $5 in Bitcoin (BTC) when it first launched, today in 2017 - you'd be a multi-multi-multi millionaire (at this point in writing, ONE Bitcoin is worth USD 6000+).
However, I do not recommend that you invest more than 10-20% of your entire cash portfolio.
Read more about cryptocurrency investing here.
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Take action TODAY: One year from today, you'll be one year older. What would you have done by then?