Time really flies.
Papa, you were called to the Lord on 24th May 2014. Today is already 16th April 2015 - about 38 days to the anniversary of you being called away.
11 months had already gone by, so quickly.
I still remember the moments of being in the ICU with you. Hearing the beeps and seeing the monitor screen.
I remember fondly my silent lunch with you, although at that time, I didn't know that'd be my last meal with you. You were struggling to breath and coughing, and I sat near to you, to give you hot water to drink to soothe your cough.
I remember how I managed to stop my clinics and patients so I can be with you, during those moments. Those moments, I was MOST GLAD that I had a business that I can put on hold for me, and yet it could run without me, without me worrying about the business.
I remember, how we scarily brought you over to Gleneagles Hospital for better medical attention, the ups and downs in the ambulance, the worries in my heart and mind as I kept looking back to you in the ambulance as I sat in the front. I was so, so, so worried for your breathing. We didn't sleep the entire night (and the nights before). Only after the operation to install the heart-lung device could I rest better. But still, rest was never there in the ICU. Occasional comfort, maybe, but oh, how heavy my heart.
I remember, your last words to me was when I complained to you that I was worried about opportunity costs as I went to travel with Louise (our 5-year-delayed honeymoon), and you assured me to enjoy a little, seeing how hard we had worked.
I remember, wherever I went in New Zealand, I thought about you, and I kept thinking you'd like it there in New Zealand, and made it my resolve to bring you to New Zealand in 2015. I remember I told you that I'd like to bring you there in 2015.
But you...never answered.
Sometimes, I feel as though you had known somehow that the Lord would call you soon during that time.
I miss you so, so much, old man. I do. I'll see you later in heaven, when it's time.
Until then, continue watching over me, praying over me - I'll do you proud. Much has grown and changed over the past one year, so much growth and interesting developments. I'm really enjoying myself here, and I'll do my best to glorify Jesus and point as many in His directions as I can, whilst changing the marketplace to glorify Him.
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Take action TODAY: One year from today, you'll be one year older. What would you have done by then?