We all have that little voice at the back of our heads, whispering doubts and fears and worries into our minds, and it is this voice that often leads us to make silly mistakes in our Passive Income Internet Businesses (PIIB) ventures as well as when picking what to invest in our Passive Income Investing (PII).
We all have this little cynic at the back of our heads.
Common fears and doubts:
We start to catastrophise and play the "what if" game - "what if once I put my money down and the economy/stock market collapses?" "What happens if my competitors outguns me?" And there is many more such voices we can hear whispering down the back of our necks.
Worse, if we have close friends and family that constantly guns downs our hopes, dreams and ideas? I'm sure that we all know someone like that, who often says things like "and who do you think you are to be able to do that?" or "if it's such a good idea, why no one else has done it?" or contrastingly "that idea has been long taken and gone..." or "that will never work, because ______". (Note: our families and close friends do that to us not because they distrust us or hate us, but because they prefer us to have safety rather than risk failure in our search for living richly)
And all these voices inside our heads and from people will start to eat us out from the inside, and slowly chip away at our confidence that we slowly build up so much doubt and fear that we start to make excuses and reasons to NOT take action. To not act. So we don't do anything, we don't take actions, we stay where we are. At times we can't sleep at night, we watch as life and people and time pass us by. We stay "safe" and let opportunities pass us by.
It is very, very difficult to be courageous when much of our friends and loved ones and rumors talk about failure and doomsday in investments and businesses. My mum told me that she and my dad had bought some strong bluechip bank stocks a long time ago to keep for the children, and the investments were showing great promise...yet at the negative word of one of his brokers, my dad sold off all the shares. Today, the shares have skyrocketed. That day, the cynical voice won, and my parents could only regret that.
I'm not saying to not seek advice, on the contrary, but not all advice is good advice - oftentimes you may have to be a contrarion especially if you have got your facts and research right, rather than listen to the fears of well-wishing peers or brokers. It's all those cynical doubts and fears that keep many therapists poor and playing it safe (which ironically, will keep them poor too),
The real world is open and waiting for you to go out there and build and live rich lives as therapists.
Cynicism never helps, nor will it ever win. You see, cynicism is simply doubts and fears that are un-checked or ill-researched. Cynics are people who are highly critical, which is different from winners who analyze. Criticism blinded people whereas analysis and analytics brings understanding and wisdom...which allows rich therapists to see opportunities that everyone else couldn't see through the criticism and cynicism.
Whenever I hear someone focusing more on his or her fears, and their "don't wants", and yet did not decide to take action on it, I knew that the cynic voice in their heads had won. I found that writing down my goals and printing them out and putting those printed goals on places where I could see them regularly, helps to keep me grounded and that voice softened.
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Take action TODAY: One year from today, you'll be one year older. What would you have done by then?