If you're seeking passive income, you'd definitely have heard of how many individuals are living "The Passive Income Lifestyle" - doing whatever they want, going wherever they want to, and often it's associated with lots of money and fast life and glitzy places.
I'm sorta in transition from half traditional income and half passive income, so I can still tell the differences between the two distinct and different worlds - it's not always about the bling, glitzy stuff or the money to burn.
As I brought my little girl to the playground today, I wished that I could spend more time with her. I'd like to be able to spend more time with her, to watch her grow, guide her and be there for her.
Same thing for my wonderful wife, who is always so supportive of me and who believes in me, who stands with me through thick and thin.
For my parents and my parent-in-laws, who are aging as I age. I want to be able to be there for them more often, and to spend more time with them.
For Jesus and God - I want to fulfill my spiritual mission here on earth.
I want to be able to do what I am more called to do, rather than just doing what I have to, "because I've to pay the bills".
Well, I want more than that. I want to be able to pay the bills AND do my life's mission and purpose.
That's why I will keep pressing forward, and keep building my passive income portfolio investments and businesses, until the day I can truly live 100% "The Passive Income Lifestyle".
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Take action TODAY: One year from today, you'll be one year older. What would you have done by then?