Today, as I brought my little girl to the playground to play as usual, as she grow bigger, she needs to run, play and socialize (to expand her energy so she can sleep well at night too) but more importantly, because of our experience and expertise as therapists, we know that children NEED to play, run and socialize to grow physically, neurologically, mentally and socially.
That's why I try to bring her to the playground as often as I can.
So I shared with one of the grandmothers there how I bring little Olivia there everyday so that she can sleep better at night, and we have to sacrifice our life to work around her by working less (and more effectively/efficiently) and then the grandmother drop the bomb on me:
The little boy she comes around every day with? He has been somewhat abandoned by his parents who had undergone divorce, and they rarely spend time with him because of that. Maybe the emotional trauma that the parents had were very bad, but how can they abandon someone they brought into this world? He's growing up without the love and care of his parents.
There was once that he tried to hold my hand to show me something but little Olivia got jealous and started bawling; and in another episode he tried to tell me something and I was just chatting with him.
I think I will make it a point to spend some time talking and chatting with him a little more, if I could be somewhat like a pseudo-father-figure sort of to him.
My heart breaks.
I can understand that relationships because husband and wife can fail, but they are irresponsible to leave him in the lurch. He doesn't understand nor know how to cope. They can get distracted with life, work and social events, but he cant. He goes home and lives his life everyday without his parents love and guidance. Everyday.
How can people do that?
My heart breaks.
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Take action TODAY: One year from today, you'll be one year older. What would you have done by then?