2016 blew right by, didn't it? Strangely, the years are buzzing by so quickly - I think as I grow older, time really flies faster.
It is a whole new year, and I wish all of you, my wonderful readers, a happy new year =D
Some of you are possibly recovering from a crazy party yesterday, or some are still partying now. In Singapore, today is a public holiday.
Yesterday, I wrote a few articles on the summary for 2016 etc, and today's article other than wishing you all, I also want to announce some updates for NigelChua.com:
Other than that, of course the basic fundamentals don't change:
The focus hasn't really changed, in fact, it has sharpened with either more clarity (mentally) or more courage (heart) to do and focus what's on my mind and heart? Regardless, building and living the passive income lifestyle is still and likely always will be my passion financially =)
What about you? Have you set your focus and goal for 2017?
If you're a student, stay at home mum, or an executive, you must find a side hustle that you can build on the side.
It's not a luxury, it is a necessity.
It will give you options and flexibility and choices, and can be very low cost to learn and test and grow. Heck, the option that I am putting to you has even a free version (sign up for the free membership that don't even need a credit card too) and learn all you can about online business, experiment with the 2 free websites too.
I am making money online, and I can foresee my financial future getting better and better.
I believe in building a passive income internet business that will work for me day in, day out; serving readers and customers profitably and delivering value 24/7, and only one program taught and help me create a money making website, and it's the only program I feel very comfortable and confident in sharing: Wealthy Affiliate.
I'm tired of being cheated and scammed by gurus and programs out there that promises I will make money online by shelling out hundreds if not hundreds of dollars for their magic solution - note to self: there is no magic bullet solution.
Sign up for the free membership that don't even need a credit card too, and read my full review on Wealthy Affiliate here.
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Take action TODAY: One year from today, you'll be one year older. What would you have done by then?