I pulled the trigger to expand the scope of NigelChua.com to go beyond Passive Income Lifestyle, Passive Income Machines and Passive Income Streams.
Currently, this is a little scary for me, because you know, if you Google search "Passive Income Lifestyle" today on 22nd September 2019, I am ranked #5. Not sure if it's Google International Search or Google Singapore, but it's still a fairly good ranking...
But then again, nothing's stopping me from going back to "pure" Passive Income Lifestyle later again, should I be led/moved to go back to that direction right?
I LOVE Passive Income Machines, especially when there's a number of them.
I LOVE Passive Income Streams, especially when there's multiple streams.
I love it.
But I've been getting this nagging feeling that I'm to focus on a broader, larger message. Yes, passive income is very important (it's ranked #3 on my life priorities list), but there is more to it. In fact, once I have more than $100K of passive income yearly, it ceases to become a priority, as long "it's there".
To me, passive income is important BECAUSE it allows me the peace and freedom to pursue other things that are more important in life. This includes God, giving back, being true to my values, adding love and value to the world etc.
...but/and I can't imagine writing in-and-out about passive income (or can I? hahaha).
Right now, in my current frame of mind, mindset - I want to write about other stuff too, like God, success habits, money habits, business, people, love and more etc.
It feels kinda weird but kinda comfortable too.
This makes sense to me because I've been trying to write regularly about online business and passive income, and yeah that's sexy but it's really nagging at me that passive income to me is important because it allows me to pursue what is important to me.
It's not an all-encompassing be-all-end-all to me.
And I'm gonna bet that when I move away from writing about passive income, passive income streams, passive income lifestyle and passive income machines entirely (there will be a section on it - it's #3 or #4 of my life priorities)...
I'll bet my passive income streams will go up more.
Just a feeling, at least for now.
I just want to write to share a message to focus on what's important, given how short and frail our lives are, and how to live our best lives doing what we're meant to do and in love.
Be it love, business, career, music, publishing, parenting - whatever.
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Take action TODAY: One year from today, you'll be one year older. What would you have done by then?