I decided to write this article, because I am very aware that NigelChua.com is growing to be a monster authority site, with more than 600+ articles (and adding still, whenever I can or when inspiration strikes) - and looking at this website, one can be overwhelmed.
I understand.
And that's why I wrote this article, and pinned it to the very top.
Oftentimes when I speak to people, they tell me that:
- in the areas of fame, fortune, wealth, success, health, progress, growth etc (these are very large topics, and you can zoom in further eg health - how to jump higher, how to run faster, how to have more/better sex; wealth - how to make more, how to convert active income to passive income etc), but they can all be distilled to be achievable in a few few methods and processes only.
When someone doesn't achieve their goals, it's either:
The how to achieve it or what to do to get there, is truly secondary.
The reason for this, is because we are driven by passion, emotion, ideas, energy, which is created from our WHYs.
#1 - Ask yourself, what are the outcomes you want?
#2 - Then, ask yourself why do you want them?
#3 - THEN the how comes here.
In NigelChua.com, I write mainly and generally about FOUR (4) main stuff I explore, experiment and do:
make money online
Most of my online results and money made is based on me using Solo Build It - left click on this, and read it, understand it and sign up now. It has a brainstorm function in it that teaches and guides you as to which niggling idea of yours is most profitable as well identifies what you like. Do it now - it's USD 299 per year or USD 29.99 per month. You have 90 days to try and get a full refund, and anytime you can get a pro-rated after the 90 days too. |
dividend from income stocks
If you want dividends from income/dividend stock, then set some money aside now, and buy it now. If you're in Singapore, please feel free to speak to my broker Derrick from Lim & Tan (more here). Safe approach is to do the DCA method into index funds (DCA stands for dollar cost averaging, which means you just set a weekly/monthly budget to buy); index funds are a general fund that is very safe (Warren Buffet's and Tony Robbin's favorite). |
health & Wellness
If you want to improve your health today, start by: If you want to take it higher, look at the supplements I take to improve my health further: |
bitcoins & cryptocurrency
Warning: Bitcoins and cryptocurrency is generally high risk and speculative in nature. I recommend to start in other areas first or if you really interested despite the risks, do not put in more than 10-20% of your total liquid cash/savings. This is a little more complex, but if you want to diversify your investment portfolio or catch the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency rocket, you will first need a bank account. Next, sign up for Quionex Exchange where once approved, you can wire money (called fiat) from your bank account to Quoinex, and therein, you exchange your fiat for Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH). To keep your life simple, you can opt to just invest in Bitcoins and Ethereum. If you are interested and is savvy, there are thousands of ALT Coins (alternatives to Bitcoins and Ethereum) but more than 95% are outright shitcoins, deadcoins and scams...but if you hit the right ones, you can get 10-1000X (or more) returns. |
Of course, I write on other stuff like faith, ideas, goals - but the crux of the actionables are these four.
It's very easy to be bogged down with the all the distractions of life and work, and to say "next day" or "some day" or "one day" - no.
Let's schedule it in, and do it now.
2018 and beyond, I want to not only help myself but also help you grow your passive income portfolios, level up your income and dividends, and life.
I can safely tell you this - no one will care about your outcomes in life, more than you.
The reason for this is because everyone has their own goals, ideas, targets, commitments etc.
This is the reason why the fame, fortune, health, success, progress and growth favors the consistent action takers who learn from others, others' mistakes, and one's own mistakes and ideas...and why more than 90% of the world will stay where they are.
And why 90% of the world's wealth and all the stuff that everyone wants, will be in the hands of the 10%. To be more exact, the top 1%.
This is the reason why I write this topic "Decide Now, Take Action Now, Refine And Progress Now" and pin it up to the very top of every page on NigelChua.com.
I don't know what your personal, investment and life goals and outcomes are - only you will know.
If you don't know yet, find out what you like, where you want to be, what kinds of life and lifestyle you want to live in 3, 5, 10 and 20+ years time.
“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”
“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat.
“I don’t much care where–” said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat.
“–so long as I get SOMEWHERE,” Alice added as an explanation.
“Oh, you’re sure to do that,” said the Cat, “if you only walk long enough.”
Alice In Wonderland
If you don't know where you want to go, you're destined to go nowhere.
Maybe it's to show people who laughed and doubted you.
Maybe it's it's for your children, spouse and families.
Maybe it's for your legacy.
Maybe it's for fun.
Whatever your reason it's your fuel to succeed and achieve what outcomes you set out to achieve.
Read, re-read this article 2-3 times.
Then take action.
If what you want to do is what I've been doing, then click on the links in this article that will bring you to where you want to go and what you want to achieve.
If not, go and find someone, some resource that will get you there.
If not you, then who?
If not today, then when?
Go then, know what your desired outcomes is, then know your reasons, then find out what you need to do daily and diligently to get there. And do it, until you get to where you set out to do and go, and then decide again thereafter.
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B) Tools & Resources I use to improve my life
C) Topics & things that interest me
D) Visit the Blog for latest articles and updates
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Take action TODAY: One year from today, you'll be one year older. What would you have done by then?