This article was originally titled: What A Busy, Tiring, Stressful But Fun Time!, but I decided to edit the title with the statement my best friend Hendri made - it's a more catchy and powerful statement =)
I'll be the first to admit it - I'm stretched and stressed out.
I'm busy, tired, stressed - but I'm having quite a bit of fun. I'm currently running an experiment after purchasing Mark Ling's AffiloJetPack, made A LOT of changes to (all the changes here) and interestingly, this season I've so many individuals and people coming to me with ideas, proposals and options to build and grow businesses.
Add that to having to launch a new 1400+ square feet clinic as well as 2-year old kid and a 8-week old newborn, it is really tough.
I like how my best friend Hendri puts it:
Which I really understand and resonated with - I mean, with 2 kids now, my wife and my time is so stretched that we take dibs in trying to out-maneuver each other to squeeze a little more time to do work.
Definitely not easy.
I am also building a website with the niche of dating tips for women, and am slowly adding content (I'm reaaaaaaaaallly slow because of all the work and life commitments, so right now there is less than 7 pages written only. My plan is to complete the "core contents" of the website >> add the squeeze pages >> drive paid traffic to build a mailing list.
There is also mailing list sign up at the footer of the website of which readers who sign up there will be ideal/sweet spot, but new websites take a long time to gain in authority and ranking in SEO, which is why I will use a combination of paid traffic in beginning, setting aside $50 to $200 per month in the first 6 - 12 months until the sign ups from SEO is on par with my budget.
Hmm, if paid advertising justifies with sales - maybe I should just continue? for thought. But I want to focus on content first because if visitors land on the squeeze page then head to the website which is predominantly empty, that's not very good - it'd be better to be filled with content =)
I'm also trying my best to add content to this site, especially when I get notifications of affiliate commissions as well as the month end reporting too - please bear with me as I conduct this experiment which will take time away from
Update you again soon ok =)
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Take action TODAY: One year from today, you'll be one year older. What would you have done by then?