Have you ever heard of people making negative statements and metaphors such as “I’m at the end of my road now”, or “I swim like a brick” or something along that line. These are all called metaphors – metaphors are a description of what you’re feeling. Really, they’re a quick way to super-sum whatever you’re experiencing at that particular moment/season of your life.
And without surprise, different kinds of metaphors bring about different things – much like the article before this, on choosing the right words, this article is more like choosing the right catchphrase or statements of faith to feed your mind.
For example two different persons facing a same challenge in life, and one says “life’s always a battle” and the other says “life’s fun because of challenges” – they’re two very distinct and different ways of viewing the world. In fact, they’re actually exact opposites of each other!
If you described life as a battle, you’d probably imagine and think and believe that everyone is out to beat and kill and best each other, and always fighting. On the other hand, if you think that life’s really fun because of challenges, then you might believe that you can have fun with life and people!
Like words, Choose Metaphors That Makes A Positive Difference in your life; every metaphor is a statement of faith and belief, so when you choose a metaphor to describe your life, it’s likely you’re subscribing to its belief system as well.
That’s why you should choose wisely and with care the metaphors you use to describe your world, be it when you describe it to yourself or to anyone else.
My wife, Louise, is an amazing woman.
One day as I was feeling down and depressed and out on facing the challenges in our life, looking over facts and figures, she came over to me and plonked herself next to me and looked into my eyes, and held my hand.
Then she said, “Nigel, it’s only a game. Learn its rules and soon enough you’ll be master at it.”
That statement of faith changed my state of mind and feelings there and then, and I instantly knew she was right, and that we will get better at what we do, and we’d get from okay to good to great!
now you may say, so what, my world is pretty rough on me right now – how
can you turn it around into words and metaphors that energizes and
empowers you? Maybe you can say instead that "the world looks to you
positively”, or that “you move the world” or something along that line.
How would you describe your world?
Is it a game?
Is it a battlefield?
Is it a dance?
What does that mean?
Would it be fun?
Or bleary?
What do you think you would need to do to make your life whatever you’d like it to be?
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Take action TODAY: One year from today, you'll be one year older. What would you have done by then?