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I signed up for a premium course of Amazon Kindle Book Writing course that'd happen over this weekend 1st and 2nd of December 2018, and I am looking forward to it.
So some of you know that I've published a couple of philosophy Amazon Kindle books (see my dedicated site WisdomOfSeneca.com) which was my earlier foray into Amazon publishing. I do have my publications selling without any marketing on my part, and even with a niche topic with lots of other publishers.
#1 Short-termed Projects
First of all, I think I know my limitations and strengths. I don't think I'm able to commit to any long term projects, so being able to work on project-by-project (book-by-book) seems doable to me. The trainer said that he also guided his 60-year-old mother how to do it as well, and she could launch two Amazon Kindle books in 10 hours.
Assuming it's conservatively 10 hours per book launch, which can be outsourced, I think I can manage 10 hours in a week (this is purely on outsourced topic research, content creation, cover creation, editorial works) and separate book marketing which if it's 4-8 hours a week, that's a much more workable approach.
#2 Passive Income & Less Hassle
Ah, that's what I'm all about isn't it? So not only each books are short-termed to create, but:
So every single book I assume will behave like little revenue-generating centers (intellectual properties and royalties payable to me on automation)
#3 Upgrading and Learning New Skills
So I have published some public domain works on Amazon before, and that's a fair start, but what I don't know/don't have skills or experience in yet is
So assuming I can understand the course what I want to learn to do (ie being a publisher on Amazon), I aim to:
Target: SGD 1000/month by June 2019 (mid-long term is SGD 10K/month).
So maybe once I test and get more results, say +SGD10-50/month per book, I'll try to ramp it up to 2-3 books launch per week, but of course, need to test/experiment to see which is more important, rate of book launch versus more marketing or both etc.
I hope that can be achieved - keep you posted!
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